Treatment of AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder): the role of psychosocial approaches considering neuroplasticity and trauma aspects

1S.C. SerD, ASL3, Genova, Italy

2Farmacologia, Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Medicina di Comunità, Università degli Studi, Verona, Italy

3Medicina delle Dipendenze, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata, Verona, Italy

4LurijaInstitut, Universität Konstanz, D; Klinik für Psychosomatik und Konsiliarpsychiatrie, Kantonsspital, St. Gallen, CH

5Centro Soranzo, Comunità Terapeutica, Venezia, Tessera, Italy

AUD can be treated in different settings, such as self-help groups, public health care ambulatories for addiction and therapeutic communities. Alcohol addiction must be considered a dysfunctional answer to an underlying emotional dysfunction or disorder. Psychosocial approaches must be personalized considering the diagnosis, psychosocial factors, level of resilience, neuroplastic aspects and trauma/negative life events in biography. Clinical aspects are enlightened, as well as the historical background of psychosocial approaches in Italy.

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Publication history:

Submission date: 13th Oct, 2023
Revised on: 22nd Jan, 2024
Accepted on: 4th Feb, 2024
Published online: 2nd May, 2024

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